РегистрацияDJ with extensive experience who began his career in 1997 with cassette decs.
Later he acquired and began to play with vinyl players.
Mastered CD and digital DJ in the programs Ableton Live and Traktor Pro.
He performed under the nicknames DJ Kid, DJ Leonardo, John Matrix, The Drum Machine,
Robin GHood, Breaking Walls, YT.
Currently uses aliases: A.V.A.V, beautySearch, Wimble, Siberian Wizard.
Consists in the project - Anastasia Bele.
He is a resident of many radio and Internet stations, and labels,
where his radio shows sound and new releases are released.
In his sets, he prefers different directions without fixating on any particular style.
"The main thing is that the music was great and I wanted to dance... "- this is his main concept.
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