РегистрацияSongwriter (lyrics, composed by), vocals / back vocals, arrangement, sounddesign, phogramm / mastering - Alexander Bobrov (al l bo)
al l bo - MARS
Welcome to Mars!
We'll dance on the dust of the planet
Warning on!
Locals will be violated!
We'll dance
on the dust of the planet
Warning on!
New gods of this daylight!
Verse 1
Like stellar gods we are landing on
To step wherever want.
This planet was so wild and now we come
To dance, play and hunt.
We're not a people, heal or kill,
Just a masters of this sky.
We're not a people, don't feel
That horizon is borderline.
Verse 2
We hope this place can be terraformed,
According homeworld,
To paradise, some life forms can be offed.
Just hold your hearts in cold.
Verse 3
Let's heal this world, your heart is kind!
It's beautiful and we must care.
As our home it must be bright,
Just be there, be there.
all rights reserved (C) Alexander Bobrov
* * *
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