Listen. Listen carefully to what I want to say.
I believe in love, I believe in a dream, I believe in peace.
In love and peace between people.
Into a dream that will lead us to a brighter future.
So why don't people love each other?
Why is color so important?
Think about it!
There is any lack of love for one's neighbor, obedience to the voice from the snuffbox, he is distant, but he must be close to people.
This Voice thinks that it is better, that it knows us and our thoughts better.
The voice imposes its opinion and the neighbor gets further!
Neighbors begin to help him, they begin to get angrier and distance each other,
To make screams:
it's them, not us!
Our good, your evil!
Neighbors live and think, inspired by voices from a snuffbox.
By the voices of those around them.
Think about it.
Any restless time begins with the fact that the voice we believe and consider our neighbor tells himself that he is better, more important and more truthful.
And it no longer matters to him what will happen to his neighbors, that his neighbors do not agree.
The voice is important to him and his truth.
And no love, no peace and dreams.
But I will tell you.
I don't want to be a part of this.
I'm a neighbor.
I'm human.
I am neither above nor below others.
I don't have a specific color.
I am a citizen of the world!
Вы в первый раз зашли с помощью социальной сети. Если у вас уже есть профиль на нашем сайте, то вы можете связать ее с соц. сетью. Иначе укажите ваш электронный адрес и зарегистрируйтесь как новый пользователь.