

Иван Попялов

Микс: popyalov - session 03


  • Track List[11:24] 01. koto-G17 — after 11th door[02:28] 02. psyGeRR - tear down time[06:00] 03. koto-G17 - door number 13[06:34] 04. psyGeRR - mad day is it today[05:55] 05. koto-G17 - surprise[04:29] 06. psyGeRR - adventurous plans[04:06] 07. koto-G17 - dive again[05:32] 08. psyGeRR - reserve adventure[03:12] 09. koto-G17 - contact with unvoiced shadows ( (pat bloc)[06:26] 10. psyGeRR - vainglorious mind[03:07] 11. koto-G17 - the time to wake up (orange line)[07:11] 12. psyGeRR - it is time[04:04] 13. koto-G17 - illusion generation[04:35] 14. psyGeRR - flashing light[04:34] 15. koto-G17 - room without walls (2th version)[06:29] 16. psyGeRR - wakeup[03:24] 17. koto-G17 - another's galaxy[06:43] 18. psyGeRR - fatal rapprochements[06:10] 19. koto-G17 - knowledge in simile


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