РегистрацияAs the outer space crusade continues, it gets closer to the day of Midsummer Solstice - a warmful celebration of Sun, hence the Light & Fire are also among the objects of my thorough attention.
The shortest night, followed by the longest daylight of the year...
Unite with the closest friends to share a piercing essence of Solar vibe, yet never forget, that no matter how radiant stellar matters are- the brightest Light comes from within.
Grusti - Roustam (All Inn Records) + Guti #live (Desolat)
Henry Saiz (Natura Sonoris)
Skyborn (Aries)
Nico Stojan (URSL)
Cancelled (Update) b2b Meugene (GMA)
Dress code - "no black"
Start- 22:00
Entrance- tba
joy & nice mood
rain or shine
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